I cannot even.
-Raymond Holt

Do you ever meet people and immediately know – these are my people? I feel you, and we’ll come back to this! But first…

Let me tell you how to get swoon worthy family photos like these.
Trust me!
No not ‘trust me when I tell you the secret’ but just TRUST ME.
In my experience, different strokes for different folks could not be more relevant here. We google search for a photographer based on what we want – ‘family photographer Wellington’ or ‘family photographer beach style’ or if you’re really on the money ‘family photographer Wellington artistic style fun free natural’ – and that would hopefully get you me.
But if you are like some of my friends, you might search ‘family photography studio traditional Wellington’ and you’d get someone entirely different. The beautiful Google has done most of the work for you. The way you experience art and imagery is unique to you, so once you come across photos that you love, all you need to do is trust the people that made them.
Does this feel like a bait and switch?
Ok I hear you. I mean ultimately, I think the following are at best complimentary because what shines on the day? You. You and yours. However, if you turn up wearing huge slogan tees and clashing horribly…
…well, ok then here’s a few tips…
- Wear complimentary colours, not matching colours
- Consider wearing textures and layering (linen dress, heavy scarf, denim jacket)
- Get set to get wet (cheers Porirua pools) but really – be OK getting a bit sandy and splashed, the freedom translates!
- Consider having your hair out, the wind whipping makes golden pix
- Stay away from slogan tees, big obvious brands, and small checkered patterns
- Go with the flow
He was afraid to get his shoes dirty, and it showed.
-Nikki Parlane
Back to the story at hand…
I flatted with Rach in my first ever flat with my first ever real job and my first ever taste of independence. Although she didn’t last long cause she decided to get married and leave BUT WE’LL FORGIVE HER as just look what that lead to. Just look at these! This family inspired me to pursue family sessions again. They embraced the natural, un-posed vibe. They simply enjoyed one another and left me to capture their connections. It was an intimate and joy-filled evening that left me as a photographer (on this gorgeous strip of the Wellington South Coast/Long Gully) invigorated and refreshed.
I loved this shoot, I loved photographing your family in this chill way and making golden magic. And one more thing – the trust you gave me to play and explore with my own creativity was an honour. I hope you treasure these images as the art they are, the art you are.
And for you, dear viewers, get in touch if you want to find out more.